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Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 5? CHAPTER 4 WHY JESUS HAD TWELVE LABOURERS? The whole text of the chapter is in thi...
Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 8? CHAPTER 4 WHY JESUS HAD TWELVE LABOURERS? The whole text of the chapter is in thi...
Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 4? CHAPTER 4 WHY JESUS HAD TWELVE LABOURERS? The whole text of the chapter is in thi...
Mark4v33-41:- Twice-born Labourers had confidence in Jesus, the Christ but not the Once-Born Labourer Peter or the Doubting twice-born Thief Judas Iscariot. H...
Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 7? CHAPTER 4 WHY JESUS HAD TWELVE LABOURERS? The whole text of the chapter is in thi...